BOARD DECISION No. 009/2016 / E / C / I, OF JANUARY 14, 2016.
Establishes the criteria referred to in article 1 of SMA Resolution No. 94, of 12/14/2015, regarding the requirement for accreditation of groundwater sampling activities.
The Full Board of CETESB - Companhia Ambiental do Estado de São Paulo, in the use of its statutory and regulatory attributions, considering the Report to the Board no. 001/2016 / E / C / I, which it accepts, and what is contained in article 1 of SMA Resolution No. 94, of 12/14/2015, DECIDES:
Article 1 - For the purposes of the provisions of article 1 of SMA Resolution No. 94, of December 14, 2015, reports that contain analytical results and include data on groundwater sampling must be accompanied by the following documents:
I. declaration of responsibility, signed by the technical and legal responsible, according to the model contained in the SINGLE ANNEX that integrates this Board Decision;
II. copy of the document from the National Institute of Metrology, Quality and Technology - INMETRO that proves the protocolization, which occurred until the deadline of 10/21/2015, of the laboratory accreditation request, for the sampling of groundwater in monitoring wells by the method purging due to low flow, with the General Coordination for Accreditation - CGCRE; and
III. copy of FOR-CGCRE-006 - Acceptance of the Accreditation Request, issued by the General Coordination for Accreditation, of INMETRO.
Article 2 - This Board Decision takes effect on the date of its publication.
Publish yourself in the Official Gazette of the State of São Paulo.
Make yourself known to all the Company's Units through the electronic system, as well as on CETESB's website.
Full Board of CETESB, on January 14, 2016.